New Software
We’re getting new software and it’s gonna be great!
Sure there are sceptics but haters will hate
I just know it’s gonna be fine –
In documents and training – we’re gonna align!
We’re getting’ new software, it’s been all thought-through
The migrated data will be good as new
And the new data entry will be easy as pie,
Let’s have a round of applause for the IT guys!
We’ll I’m not promising there won’t be a glitch
That everything will come off without a hitch
But I’m feeling more confident day by day
And I’m here to train you– so I’m gonna say . . .
We’re getting new software and it’s gonna be good!
Its gonna do everything that software should-
We’ll share the same system, we can harmonize
Support each other when problems arise
Aren't you glad we live in a world that’s computerized?!